SuperNews theme is ideal theme for News, Magazine, Blog and Reviews sites. It is a splendid mix of quality code and elegant design. SuperNews is fully responsive theme with lot of competencies features like light weight, retina ready, font awesome, Google font, cross-browser compatibility, color control, Multiple Layout Options, logo upload, translation-ready, custom CSS field, well documented etc. SuperNews is highly customizable theme. You can customize header, footer, sidebar, main homepage and inner sections easily through the customizer and widgets. It is widgetized theme, with drag/drop/reorder widgetized area you can design front/home page yourself. Its unique features includes advanced custom widgets, advanced layout options, breaking news options, front/home feature section options, featured images options for blog/category/archive pages and single page/post, social media integration, advertisement ready, breadcrumb and more. You can easily customize theme with various options available on customizer. Simple, clean, fast loading theme will help you for new experience on the web world.
SuperNews Features are available on Our New Website.

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Direct Download Link:
SuperNews v1.0.6.rar - 2.51 MB | Direct Download
Mirror Downlod Link:
SuperNews v1.0.6.rar - 2.51 MB | Mirror Download

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